Lidar Survey

Hummingbird are a leading provider of high-end aerial surveying with varied solutions for all sectors.

A LiDAR land survey, uses a drone-mounted LiDAR scanner to create 3D models of the terrain below:

How it works
The LiDAR scanner shoots laser pulses at the ground, and then calculates the time it takes for the pulses to bounce back. This data provides precise information about the surface below, including its horizontal and vertical dimensions.

LiDAR drones can:

  • Access previously inaccessible locations
  • Collect data quickly and efficiently
  • Map large areas, including dense vegetation
  • Create accurate and detailed 3D models
  • Provide fast data sets that can be integrated with other data sources
  • Eliminate the need to send surveyors into hazardous terrain

Do you need a Drone LiDAR Survey?

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